Friday, December 28, 2007
Psalm 55:15
I think this verse shows the human side of all of us. How many times have we asked God to strike or enemy down? We have to have faith that he will hear his followers maybe not the way we want since a fast moving bus sometimes sounds like a God send for our enemies. The verse is very to the point that they want God to have their enemy go down alive to the grave. It is nice to know I am not the only one who thinks this way sometimes.
Thursday, December 27, 2007
Psalm 55:12-14
I interpret these as some one close to you hurting you. It is hard to forgive someone when they have hurt you. The pain just doesn’t go away. Sometimes people can’t forgive the other person and that person has to live with that pain of knowing that they have hurt someone. I have had people hurt me in the past. I have tried to forgive them but the pain will always be there. I try to pray for those people that God comes into their lives and shatters the darkness from their souls and enters their heart and to have that darkness wiped from my heart too. Sometimes these prayers are hard but that is one way to move forward and with Gods help forgiveness can come.
Wednesday, December 26, 2007
Psalms 55:9-12
I haven't blogged in a while. It was a busy holiday season. I will try to be more diligent about posting and staying on track with my walk.
These are saying that there is always evil and bad situations lurking, but with God’s help we can resist them and stay strong. I think if you have a “Godly” outlook on all situations that you can stay strong and the bad won’t seep back in.
These are saying that there is always evil and bad situations lurking, but with God’s help we can resist them and stay strong. I think if you have a “Godly” outlook on all situations that you can stay strong and the bad won’t seep back in.
Friday, December 14, 2007
I posted this because of Wendy’s post on being to busy to be a Christian.
There was a lady at a stop light and the car in front of her wouldn’t go so she flipped the guy the bird and honked her horn and yelled at him. A police officer arrested her when he saw this. He took the lady in to the police station and booked her and put her in a cell. The police officer finally came back and said “Do you know why I arrested you?” The lady said “No”. He said “I arrested you because of the way you were acting and all the Jesus stickers and Pro life stickers on your bumper I just assumed you had stolen the car.”
There was a lady at a stop light and the car in front of her wouldn’t go so she flipped the guy the bird and honked her horn and yelled at him. A police officer arrested her when he saw this. He took the lady in to the police station and booked her and put her in a cell. The police officer finally came back and said “Do you know why I arrested you?” The lady said “No”. He said “I arrested you because of the way you were acting and all the Jesus stickers and Pro life stickers on your bumper I just assumed you had stolen the car.”
Psalm 5:6-8
This is me to a T. When I get into or have a situation I don’t like or is really bad I want to flee. Not just flee but run as fast as I can as far as I can. The beaches of Mexico or the Caribbean are some of my destinations. There are no worries on a gorgeous beach in the middle of nowhere. But then my anxiety attack passes and I stick it out. I told a very wise person one time that I wanted to shut myself out of a situation to totally ignore it. They told me (I am sure this wasn’t it exactly but this is what I got out of it) “You should give 110% for what you want. Then you know you have done all you can.” Thank you wise person!! It has kept me fighting for the things I really want and have a passion for. I do have some peace knowing if it doesn’t work out I gave it my all.
Prayer - Answered and Needed
Thank you for praying for my situation that I mentioned in an ealier blog. It seems to be an answer to prayer since it is going ok in that situation. Much better then it could have been. But please pray that I still stay strong and don't get walked on. I have a tendency to avoid confrontation and give in even if it isn't fair to me. But I need to do what is best for me in this situation and stay strong. Please pray too for another situation. The best prayer would be "Let Your will be done and give me peace in the outcome." It is hard to want something so bad and beg God for it and not get the answer you are looking for. It is hard to not want to take control of the situation and not let God control it.
Tuesday, December 11, 2007
Psalm 55:3-5
The verses can be interpreted in a multitude of ways. In verse 3 it talks about your enemy. To me personally the enemy is myself. To other is could actually be a person. For me it is tearing myself down it is the suffering I have brought on myself and the people I love through my actions.
In verse 4 and 5 they are talking about the pain, anguish, and terror. Those are hard things weather they are self inflicted or something else is causing them. I believe God feels the pain we feel, we are his children and no parent want their child to hurt. I believe God has us go through the pain, anguish and terror so we can know that we have sinned and need to change our ways.
There is a message in every thing. I believe there is a message in every second of every day and if you are looking for them you can find them. How can anyone believe there is no God? I really find in sad and heartbreaking when people make the comment “life’s a bitch and then you die”. If you believe that what is the point of living. If I didn’t know that I was going to heaven I don’t know if I could carry on.
In verse 4 and 5 they are talking about the pain, anguish, and terror. Those are hard things weather they are self inflicted or something else is causing them. I believe God feels the pain we feel, we are his children and no parent want their child to hurt. I believe God has us go through the pain, anguish and terror so we can know that we have sinned and need to change our ways.
There is a message in every thing. I believe there is a message in every second of every day and if you are looking for them you can find them. How can anyone believe there is no God? I really find in sad and heartbreaking when people make the comment “life’s a bitch and then you die”. If you believe that what is the point of living. If I didn’t know that I was going to heaven I don’t know if I could carry on.
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