Friday, December 14, 2007

Prayer - Answered and Needed

Thank you for praying for my situation that I mentioned in an ealier blog. It seems to be an answer to prayer since it is going ok in that situation. Much better then it could have been. But please pray that I still stay strong and don't get walked on. I have a tendency to avoid confrontation and give in even if it isn't fair to me. But I need to do what is best for me in this situation and stay strong. Please pray too for another situation. The best prayer would be "Let Your will be done and give me peace in the outcome." It is hard to want something so bad and beg God for it and not get the answer you are looking for. It is hard to not want to take control of the situation and not let God control it.

1 comment:

Andrew Burcham said...

Will be praying for ya...stay strong